Songa Mobility

Kenya, Africa

Empowering rural Africa with a technology driven and sustainable electric mobility platform, driving innovative transportation business models and ecosystems.

The Toyota Mobility Foundation,
DOEN Foundation, UNEP

Key figures
70 vehicles
5 hubs
7 500 farmers

Innovation for Impact,
e-Mobility, Renewable Energy, Bottom of the Pyramid, Mobility As A Service

2022 - Present

The Challenge

Smallholder farmers lack access to market which leads to food losses and low income. This is a problem faced by over 200 million smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, they are hard workers and productive and together could aggregate meaningful volumes.

The 1st wave of e-mobility in Africa has highlighted the potential as well as the hurdles for scalable adoption. Electric 2 and 3 Wheelers have proven to save money and reduce emissions, but have so far done so in urban and dense areas. Rural customers (farmers, outgrowers, etc.) have vastly different technical, operational and business model requirements for e-mobility to sustainably unlock opportunities through access to market.

The Innovation

Identifying and confronting these gaps in business model, utility, reliability, repairability, data insights and fleet management, SONGA Mobility has successfully pioneered an integrated and sustainable rural eMobility platform.

This platform is comprised of Hardware (Solar Charging Stations, Electric trikes, Refurbishable Li-ion Batteries), Software (Mobile & Web fleet & transaction management platforms), IoT (Remote control for the vehicles & batteries), solid operations and a “WIN WIN WIN” Business Model ensuring its sustainability.

Moving forward Together